sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011

What Is a Cell Phone Spy Program?

Hi, well, I finally did it! After years of saying that I would, I finally did it. So, here I am finally doing something that's not playing World of Warcraft.

Ok, things that have buttons or keys on them are my passion and so in addition to video games, I'm also attracted to smartphones (NOT IN THAT WAY, PERVERTS!!). I also like applications, and one of the most interesting ones that I've found are cell phone spy programs. So, I'm going to talk about those. And please, don't post jokes about smartphones suddenly going dumb or if they are so smart how come they can't do this or that. You may think it's funny but it's not. And I've heard them all already so you're not being original anyway.

Ok, so lets start.

What is a Cell Phone Spy Program?

A cell phone spy program, which from here on I will call spy program, is an application or software program that can be installed in advanced cell phones, most commonly known as smartphones. Such applications allow a person to monitor or spy on another person through his cell phone. They are also called spyphone or spyware by some.

What's a Smartphone and What's the Difference Between One and a "Normal" Cell Phone?

A "normal" or "regular" cell phone is a cell phone that has can only do basic functions. These are usually making calls, sending and receiving text messages and storing phone numbers and names on their memories. They may have a few extra functions, like a camera but they aren't terribly important.

A smartphone has many more functions and a much comfortable way to interact with it. One of them is access to Internet through a browser and the ability to read and send e-mails. Another big difference is that it usually has a keyboard or a touchscreen that makes entering information much easier. Finally, it's much easier to install applications on a smartphone in order to increase the number of functions it can perform.

How is a Spy Program Installed?

Despite what some people think, a spy program can't be installed from a distance. I don't know where this common misconception comes from, but I suspect from watching too many sci-fi movies.

The program has to be installed manually. And the process varies from model to model. In general, it consists on installing a file from the phone's browser onto the phone's files and activate it with a key code that the supplier gives you.

How Does the Program Work and How Do I Use It?

First of all, cell phone spy programs are usually easy to use because their market is not geeks like me who like electronics, but rather the general population with only a basic knowledge of computers and smartphones.

The program is linked to a website on which you have to open an account, much like a Facebook or free e-mail account, except that you have to pay. Most sites accept Visa, MasterCard or Paypal. Of course, prices vary according to the manufacturer. You give a valid e-mail and create a password to log into the system. The first thing that you usually get is instructions on how to install the program depending on your cell phone.

The interface can be very simple or very complex, again, depending on the manufacturer. Functions also vary, but most of them offer the following, which I consider to be the basic ones and usually the most important or relevant.

-Information about incoming and outgoing calls.
-Content of incoming and outgoing text messages, also known as SMS.
-Map Localization of the phone trough GPS.

Another common feature, although not as common is access to the phone's phone book.

Is It Legal to Use a Cell Phone Spy Program?

It depends on the country where you are from and in some cases even on the state you are from, but in general, if you own a phone, you can legally install on it whatever you want.

Is it Ethical to Use a Cell Phone Spy Program?

Ethical refers to morals and morals refer to the concepts of good and evil. However, since good and evil are concepts that are defined differently by each person, there isn't a one true answer that will satisfy everyone. Moreover, I don't believe it's my role to tell others what to do and what not to do, so excuse me if I don't answer this question directly.

What I will say is that a program is just a tool and objects, even digital ones, have no value of their own. Good and evil comes from the use a person gives an object, not from the object itself.

In addition, here are some of the common uses that people who buy cell phone spy programs use it for. You judge yourself if each one is ethical or not.

- Discover that your spouse is cheating on you.
- Discover fraud or lazy employees in your company.
- Having a way to find your child at any time.
- Finding out the kind of people that your child hangs out with.
- Keeping an eye on an elderly parent.

I hope you found this information useful. If you have any questions or comments, please leave me a word in the comments section.

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